Misted Double Glazing, All You Need To Know

Misted double glazed windows

Have you noticed that your double-glazing windows have become misted, with condensation trapped between the panes? This unsightly issue is known as misted double glazing and it’s a common problem faced by many homeowners, not just in New Zealand but around the world. While it may seem like the fog is on the outside of the window, you soon realize that you can’t wipe it away. So, what can you do about misted double glazing? Before rushing to replace all your windows, let’s explore this issue in detail and understand the available options.

Double glazing is effective because it consists of two glass layers with air in between, providing thermal insulation and sound reduction. However, when the seal between the panes is damaged or faulty, moisture enters the space, causing the windows to mist up. This can occur due to various reasons, such as poor installation, seal deterioration, drainage problems, or faulty seals from the manufacturer. Understanding the cause of the damage is challenging, but it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further deterioration.


Repairing or replacing misted double glazing is possible. Repairing involves drilling a hole between the panes to remove the trapped water and installing a desiccant to absorb any future moisture. However, this method may not always be effective, and additional leaks may require further repairs in the future. Alternatively, you can choose to replace the window entirely. If your windows are relatively modern, a window installer may be able to fit a new window into the existing frame. Otherwise, a complete overhaul of your windows might be necessary.


To prevent misted double glazing in the future, there are a few steps you can take. Ensure proper care during installation, find a reputable fitter, and consider regular maintenance to prolong the lifespan of your windows. It’s important to understand that misted windows compromise their energy efficiency and may lead to higher utility bills.

In summary, misted double glazing indicates compromised window seals and reduced performance. If you encounter misted windows, you have the option to repair or replace them, depending on the extent of the issue. Hiring a qualified window contractor is crucial to ensure the job is done properly. Check if your windows are still under warranty as it may save you money. Take the time to read reviews and testimonials to find the right installer for your needs. Ignoring the problem will only lead to increased energy bills and further deterioration. Act now to find the right solution and restore the performance and appearance of your windows.

At Royal Glass, we are dedicated to assisting you in finding the perfect double-glazed windows for your project. Contact us today at info@royalglass.co.nz or call 0800 769 254 to explore our range of double-glazed windows and receive expert guidance tailored to your specific requirements. Enhance your home’s energy efficiency and comfort with our premium double-glazed windows.